• Как избежать преждевременного старения

    22 Июль 2014

    Старение кожи неизбежно. Но есть ряд действий, которые вы можете предпринять, чтобы предотвратить преждевременное старение и отсрочить его на максимальный срок. Никогда не поздно начать! Поэтому следуйте приведенным ниже советам, чтобы помочь вашей коже сохранить молодость на долгий срок.

    • Держитесь подальше от солнца. Вред от солнца – это фактор №1 в процессе старения кожи. Обязательно наносите SPF-защиту перед каждым выходом на солнце. Даже если на улице зима или стоит облачная погода. Носите шляпу с широкими полями и солнцезащитные очки, которые уберегут от солнца деликатные зоны лица, на которых легко могут появится морщины.
    • Бросьте курить и употреблять алкоголь. Сигареты вызывают отток крови от лица, и наносят урон из-за токсинов, содержащихся в дыме. Все это сильные факторы, провоцирующие старение. Алкоголь приводит к потере влаги в организме, что также способствует сухости и старению кожи.
    • Используйте правильные продукты для ухода. Shinso Essence может заменить вам весь ваш уход (тоник, крем под глаза, увлажняющие крема, крем против морщин и др.). Вы увидите долгосрочные результаты и сократите расходы на косметические средства с этим универсальным продуктом. Более того, с Shinso Essence вы увидите мгновенные результаты такие как естественный лифтинговый эффект. Ваша кожа будет выглядеть более упругой и молодой.
    • Кушайте правильную пищу. Если вы часто едите вредные продукты (соленое или сладкое, к примеру), ваша кожа недополучает необходимые витамины и питательные вещества. Перейдите на фрукты и овощи и богатые на белок продукты для поддержания молодости кожи.


  • Have You Tried a Natural Face Lift?

    09 Июль 2014

    A facelift, also known as a rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure that improves visible signs of aging in the face and neck. As women age, they lose the youthful look of their skin due to stress, environmental factors, heredity and more. Nothing can stop the aging process or a few of these other factors, but there are a few ways you can achieve a “natural face lift” with products and techniques.
    • Use Shinso Mist. Shinso Mist can be used anytime- before as a primer or after you’ve applied your makeup as a setting spray. This product gives you a natural face lift and rejuvenates the appearance of your face. It can help to reduce wrinkles, brighten the skin, tighten the skin, hydrate the skin, reduce pore sizes and more. The effects of applying this product will last for 45 to 60 days, depending on how often and properly you use it.
    • Use makeup to contour your face. It may look hard, but contouring your face with makeup is fairly easy. You’ll want to apply a lighter product (concealer or highlighter) to the areas of your face that you want to stand out. You’ll also apply a darker product (like bronzer or powder) to the areas you want to hide. This make your cheekbones and eyebrows pop, which gives you a more youthful appearance.
    • Give yourself a nice facial massage. Applying your favorite oil cleanser and start rubbing! Starting from the center of your face, start to massage your face using small, circular motions. Work inwards against your lines and wrinkles, then massage your eyes gently. Lastly, work on your forehead.
  • What is Rosacea and How Can I Treat It?

    07 Июль 2014

    According to the National Rosacea Society, the skin condition is described as “a chronic and potentially life-disruptive disorder primarily of the facial skin, often characterized by flare-ups and remissions”. Around 14 million people in the U.S. have rosacea, with the disease being most common in fair-skinned women between the ages of 30 and 60. For those suffering from rosacea, here are a few ways you can treat it.

    • Use-green hued makeup. Concealers and foundations with green tones and colorings can help to reduce the appearance of redness. Make sure the product is safe for sensitive skin before applying.
    • Always apply sunscreen- even in winter. Any season or weather conditions can cause flare-ups for those suffering from rosacea, so you should always be applying a high SPF on your face. This prevents your skin conditions from getting worse and helps prevent skin cancer and signs of aging as well.
    • Avoid certain lifestyle and environmental factors that may aggravate the rosacea. For some, drinking alcohol, eating spicy foods or spending time in certain weather conditions can make their rosacea worse. Finding out which factors do this and avoiding them is a simple lifestyle change you can make.
    • Use products made specifically for sensitive skin/skin with rosacea. There are many popular brands of makeup and skincare that have been tested and approved to not irritate the skin of those with the condition. Read all labels and packaging to find these facts.
    • Visit your doctor so they can prescribe a topical treatment or oral antibiotics. Sometimes rosacea has to be treated with medical prescribed by your doctor. It’s always best to get a doctor’s opinion before starting any new form of treatment.