How to Incorporate Shinso Skincare Into Your Skin Regimen
16 Июнь 2014

When it comes to beauty and skincare products, many women are hesitant to try new products. They establish a set routine of products applied each morning and night and are afraid that adding a new product might change the results. But change can be good- even great- and actually help improve your skin. Certain types of products, such as toners, actually work better when used with other products in a daily routine. Here are a few easy ways to incorporate Shinso Skincare into your skin regimen.
- Shinso Essence works to refine your skin’s texture and leave your face noticeably brighter and youthfully radiant. This product may be applied throughout the day and evening, on the face and neck as well as the entire body. The serum may be used either before or after your makeup routine, making it a super easy transition into your daily routine.
- Shinso Mist can be applied throughout the day as well, but many people tend to use it to set makeup and skin before heading out. Keep a bottle somewhere close to the door- this way you will always remember to spray some on before you leave the house for that extra glow.
- Keep your morning and night skincare products separate from one another so it’s easy to grab the products you need for each routine. Skincare products that require to be removed with water and often used during morning showers should be kept in the bathroom, while a moisturizer you can apply throughout the day might be well suited for your bedroom vanity or even in your purse. Keep Shinso Glow in your bathroom so you remember to exfoliate with it prior to applying makeup and other moisturizing products.